School Information
Our school is located in the heart of Corringham. Mossbourne Herd Lane Academy is a long established school first serving the community of Corringham in 1922. Many of our current pupil’s parents and families have been part of the school and we even have teachers who were also our pupils.
We became an Academy on 1st January 2024 and joined the Mossbourne Federation. This allows us access to a rich network where we can share best practise with our family of schools. We are now on our journey to be outstanding.
In December 2022 the school was inspected by Ofsted who graded the school as 'GOOD'.
We have two classes in each year group. The children are supported in their learning, social and emotional development by a highly qualified and committed team of professionals.
To ensure we achieve our aim to provide an education our children enjoy which prepares them for academic and personal success now and in the future all classes have additional adult support from our highly qualified Learning Support Assistants. We also have a pastoral team to support our children and families when they need further help.
We have a dedicated team of teachers and learning support assistants which is further assisted by our Specialist Speech and Language Teacher.
We work hard to continue to improve our school for our children. We have recently received the following awards and accreditations:
- SSAT Accreditation for Exceptional Education in Transforming Practice in both Variety of teaching approaches and Professional Learning - Ortu Corringham Primary is only the second primary school nationally to achieve this status. To achieve accreditation as transforming practice means the school has met the highest standard of the Framework and that the work we do in school, in these areas, are amongst the most effective practice nationally. The framework supports schools in quality-assuring their work and sharing effective practice.
- Parliamentary Review - The main aim of The Review was to showcase best practice as a learning tool to the public and private sector, with this edition aimed particularly at leading policymakers and executives within Primary Education. Ortu Corringham Primary was selected for its rapid rates of improvement where results improved at least four times faster than national rates of progress. The focus of the report is to demonstrate how determined leadership and innovative thinking can improve outcomes and turn a school around.
- Basic Skills Quality Mark- Is awarded to a school to recognise their provision, practice and performance in literacy and numeracy. A school must demonstrate a whole school approach to improving standards in literacy and numeracy, with evidence of the impact of its approaches.
- Inclusion Quality Mark - Is awarded to a school where children’s needs are supported and differences are celebrated. Ortu Corringham Primary has a reputation for making outstanding provision for children with special educational needs and disabilities and they embrace children who have not been included in other settings. The care and support offered ensure that children are able to thrive and they are fully integrated into the life of the school.
We are an inclusive school and provide the community with a specialised provision for children with Speech and Language difficulties. These children receive specialised Speech Therapy, Speech and Language Teaching and are also supported in their mainstream class.
Our school is an exciting place to learn and our pupils work hard and behave well. We are proud of our focus on traditional values, good manners and enthusiasm for learning.