

St George's Day

Corringham Primary have celebrated St George’s Day today by wearing Red and White and England tops today.

The England flag is flying as well thanks to Mr Moore

440212719 946838923903890 9069688584502510861 n437396681 946839507237165 1878730166771084469 n437583805 946839227237193 78776775459964799 n439625212 946838940570555 1510498491861074232 n439626292 946839190570530 4233066117457945956 n439646549 946839463903836 4966592178098089919 n439652690 946839420570507 5075151646903070272 n439664957 946839220570527 7898761666119437167 n439678073 946839257237190 4409093275377234771 n439690173 946839263903856 6011220436773847121 n439713532 946839403903842 4517555515127537633 n439733704 946839303903852 1866296624439394265 n440197095 946839367237179 5725433902084578302 n

440235297 946839377237178 3172839457755216617 n440328342 946839317237184 992338479015256993 n440372472 946838963903886 3643468880940326949 n

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